Chiltern Primary School have received the following message:
Fantastic work Ms Gibson!
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Chiltern Primary School have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
It was great to see that you have so many students on your Eco-Committee and that they are involved in taking the minutes and reporting back to their peers. It was also nice to see how many transferable life skills you felt the students had gained by being part of your Eco-Committee and the confidence it has given them going forward. Remember to put a copy of your latest minutes on your Eco-Board.
We loved hearing how your Eco-Committee communicated with the rest of their school and wider community! Giving them the chance to deliver assemblies, shows that their work is valued. Remember to share your Environmental Review on your Eco-Board. It was great to see the actions you had decided for your three topics – Biodiversity, Litter and Waste on your Action Plan and how you are sharing it with the wider community as well as with other schools in the Thrive Trust so that they too can become an Eco-School! Your Curriculum Links were great!
Next year, it might be worth considering having a dedicated Eco-Day or week of learning to ensure that environmental learning is a celebratory event in your school calendar! We especially loved to learn how archaeologists and historians use discarded litter to understand what life was like in the past – imagine what they will see in many years to come with all of our discarded plastic!
Your informing and involving work is very strong from working with your local council, local MP’s, participating in our Great British Spring Clean. It was lovely to read the Newsletter that is produced by your Eco-Committee for parents along with an Eco activity to accompany it – we love the Bingo game too! Your monitoring and evaluation work is one of the strongest parts of your application from planting trees, working with and sharing best practice with other local schools, having a community garden for parents to grow food that is accessible at weekends and during the holidays as well as after school and involving the children with planting potatoes – we love the idea that this is a competition between students. Remember to share this on your Eco-Board.
It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to review your Eco-Schools Green Flag application - you are most definitely a worthy Eco-Schools Green Flag Award winner! Congratulations to everyone at Chiltern Primary School!