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Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage 


We hope you find this area informative and a place that you can find out about the curriculum and the daily practise of your early years child. 

We are extremely passionate about ensuring children learn through play based activities both indoors and outdoors and we use the systematic phonics programme 'Read Write Inc' to develop reading and 'Phonological Awareness’ to enrich language development. Our curriculum is based upon quality stories and rhymes. Mathematics is taught using the number sense approach to ensure children have a secure sense of number. We ensure the building blocks for learning are established in the Early Years, listening, turn taking, social skills, communication and independence are just a few.



Assessment takes place in a variety of ways in the Early Years Foundation Stage, but is mainly through observations; some are collected on a programme called Class Dojo. Each parent has a unique login which cannot be accessed by anyone else. This is a secure area and only you will be able to share your child's learning journey with us.

Parents are encouraged to be part of this process and are asked to send photographs and descriptions of their child’s experiences into school via Class Dojo.

The Learning Journey helps to inform future planning and the next steps for each individual child’s learning journey. We have informal parent partnership days where the children share their new learning experiences and skills with their parents and we also more formal parent meetings throughout the year in addition to the end of year report. At the end of the foundation stage it is a statutory requirement to report each child’s level of development.


Please click on the link below to access the Class Dojo page:


At Chiltern Primary School we understand that we are legally required to comply with certain welfare requirements as stated in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (updated and effective from September 2021). We understand that we are required to:

  • Promote the safety and welfare of all children.

  • Ensure all children have a high quality and secure foundation, equal opportunity and work in partnership with families to ensure children are ready for school.

  • Ensure a high quality and stimulating environment both inside and outdoors, to ensure every child receives enjoyable and challenging learning experiences tailored to meet their needs.

  • Maintain assessment records, policies and procedures required for safe efficient management of the setting and to meet the needs of all the children.


If parents would like to see the curriculum or programmes of study for each year please contact the school where the documents will be made available to you.

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