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Usmernenie o chorobe


Ak je vaše dieťa z akéhokoľvek dôvodu mimo školy, čo najskôr zavolajte do školy. Akákoľvek nevysvetlená neprítomnosť sa eviduje ako „neoprávnená“. Matriky sa vypĺňajú ihneď po príchode detí do školy a každé dieťa, ktoré nebude prítomné pri vrátení matriky do kancelárie školy, bude označené ako neprítomné. Ak deti prídu neskoro, musia ísť do kancelárie školy a oznámiť zamestnancom kancelárie, že prišli. Ich chýbajúca známka sa potom zmení na neskorú známku.

Kedy by sa malo moje dieťa vrátiť do školy?

Kliknite na odkaz Public Health England and  „Usmernenie na kontrolu infekcií v školách a iných zariadeniach starostlivosti o deti“ .


Vedenie spoločnosti Headlice

Čelenky sú mimoriadne bežné v úzkom prostredí, ako sú školy. Kliknutím sem získate informácie o liečbe vší.

Prvá pomoc v škole

Máme niekoľko kvalifikovaných zamestnancov na poskytovanie prvej pomoci. Ak vaše dieťa ošetril lekár prvej pomoci, dostanete text s podrobnosťami o incidente a liečbe, aby ste sa uistili, že budete informovaní, ak bude potrebná ďalšia liečba.

Ak si dieťa vyžaduje núdzové ošetrenie, personál ho vyhľadá „in loco parentis“ a skontaktuje sa s rodičmi.

Parent Partnership.jpg

Feedback from Mental Health Support Team


The Mental health support teams describe Chiltern school as a lead collaborative partner in Hull. The school’s passion, drive and innovation with regards supporting children, families, the community and their staff with their social, emotional and mental health is an exemplar of best practice.


It is evident that the school is a hub within the community, that not only academically educates children, it nurtures and grows their emotional and mental health, builds confidence and empowers belief to improve their chances.


Chiltern has shared so much with the MHST and supported our development of the offer to benefit not only their setting but also across other schools within the city as part of the MHST.   


Chiltern has shared experiences with the school’s network of their chat and chose programme, their coffee mornings and workshops that are designed to support parents with achieving a healthy lifestyle and improve social, emotional, physical and mental health. By sharing their experiences that have helped to develop other schools’ initiatives.


The school has invited us to be part of their community to learn from them whilst they learn and develop further through our emotional and mental health offer to compliment their already fantastic work.


To sum up Chiltern they are a school at the heart of the community with children and families at the centre of all they do. They nurture young minds to shine bright, be bold and thrive, and ensure that no child or family go unseen or unheard.


Emma Train-Sullivan

Hull Mental Health Support Teams In Schools

Service Lead/Manager

Waitrose article


Look North community garden video clip

Look North Mental Health Support Team

Reach Foundation - Thrive Hub

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